Pioneer Valley Cartoons
Cartoons with a New England touch!
Based out of Western Massachusetts, Pioneer Valley Cartoons is a production house dedicated to the production of animated cartoons for the internet and beyond. With multiple projects in development, PVC has its eye on the future of entertainment.
Mission Statement
Who says great cartoons have to be expensive?
Common knowledge in and out of the entertainment industry is that animation takes a long time and costs a lot of money. However, a lot those issues are simply down to the way the mainstream industry works. Production studios in Southern California, often owned by multinational conglomerates from which they receive funding, drive budgets up by hiring big names that demand large pay, especially actors, and insisting that their employees use expensive, proprietary animation software in their production process.As an independent studio, Pioneer Valley Cartoons uses free and/or open source software in its pipeline, eliminating a large upfront cost that the leading studios enforce. Furthermore, local talent will be hired to give our works an edge often lacking in slick Hollywood productions.

PVC's First Animated Short
Balloon Boy
Produced in 2024, Balloon Boy is a short cartoon revolving around a little boy's efforts to pop a pesky balloon.
Demo Reel
© Pioneer Valley Cartoons